How to survive "Morning Sickness"

My Tips and Tricks on how I survived 20 weeks of Nausea and Vomiting with 2 pregnancies ...
Lets talk morning sickness! The last thing I wanted to read about when I was nauseated and throwing up in my first Trimester was anything that would remind me that I was on the verge of loosing my food every minute.
BUT I still looked up helpful tips to ease this not so fun part of pregnancy. So my hope is that you find some relief with the tips I have put down below.
WHY does this happen?!
Estrogen is the hormone responsible for your sense of smell, so when you are pregnant that hormone is multiplied, making you have the nose of a bloodhound and now smells that you never would have noticed or you once loved now make you dry heave and running for the toilet!
How to Survive?
Get some Fresh Air-
Try opening a window, a door, go outside and if you can't do that, try
sniffing an orange, lemon or a lime.
Also, Try keeping some lemon oil in your purse or on your desk at work whenever you need it, just give it a sniff!
Suck on that!
Hard candies -
This worked wonders for me! I noticed I started to get a really bad taste in my mouth and that is what made my nausea worse.
I liked Jolly Ranchers, lemon drops, Breath mints!! O the magic of peppermint breath mints! ( peppermint is great for nausea)
Breath mints saved me with my second pregnancy
Preggy Pops - found at walgreens or Target
Essential oils -
( I like Doterra or Young living, no I am not a distributor for either company )
I don't trust putting store brand on or inside my body but I will still use them in my diffuser.

Massage Lavender, Sandalwood or Ginger combined with fractionated coconut oil onto abdomen.
Put 3-
5 drops of Fennel, Ginger or Peppermint into a capsule
1 to 2 drops each Ginger and Lemon, mixed into water with honey or stevia.
Peppermint: a drop under the tongue, rubbed on abdomen or rubbed on the bottoms of your feet.
Put 3 drops of Grapefruit or Peppermint essential oil into a diffuser by your bed. You may find that waking up to these scents helps reduce nausea
Essential oil Information provided by
Always be snacking -
Keeping something small in your stomach at all times really really helps

The old and famous , Saltine cracker! I always kept a bag of these at my desk while working, and would nibble on them throughout the day. They were great because they had basically no taste ( and they were not bad on the way back up, sorry but those are things you have to think about if you are having a hard time keeping things down)
Mild flavored chips - like Lays regular potato chips are ahhmazing!
My favorite thing I found was UNCRUSTABLES!!! I kept a box of Uncrustables peanut butter and Jelly sandwiches in the freezer at work and would eat 1 before lunch and sometimes 1 on the way home from work. This was a good snack because it was cold, easy to eat and the peanut butter provided a great source of protein!
If all else fails, there are medications that can be helpful. ( I am not a doctor, you should talk to your doctor about any medications before starting them, these are both prescriptions)
Zofran ( side effects - headaches and constipation) sometimes I’d rather be nauseated than constipated, so this was never used more than 1-2 times a week if I was DESPERATE
Diclegis - its expensive but worked wonders for me. ( used with my second pregnancy, and I believe it helped me keep my food down, but I was still nauseated. So much better than I was with my first! No IV therapy needed , Whoo hoo!! )

** If you are unable to keep fluids down, and are not urinating for 8+ hours you should see your doctor, they may need to administer fluids via IV.
( I had to do this with my first pregnancy, and it was amazing. Its crazy how much better you feel when your hydrated)
- Dont be afraid to ask your doctor about receiving IV fluids.
** Eat either foods that are super COLD or HOT , not in between …
warm foods can trigger nausea
** Water can make you more nauseated, but you need your fluids. I found that adding a flavor enhancer to my water like Mio helped me keep hydrated.
** Gingerale**
is great for taming the nausea, make sure its made with real ginger to get the best nausea relief ( Canada Dry is yummy )
Aim for at least 3-4 servings of protein a day
This link can provide some more detailed information about your daily protein needs as well as a great list of foods and the amount of proteins per serving.